Recently, a Detroit News writer by the name of Chris McCosky lashed out at bloggers (which inevitably includes myself) saying:

“With blogging and Web sites, it seems the hard work, standards, accountability, courage all of that is bypassed. Who needs to study this stuff, or attend games, or conduct interviews when you can just sit in your basement and clack out whatever comes through your head, right? If I rip somebody, or if I get something wrong, who cares? Nobody will see me.

A lot of times these bloggers use the work of legitimate reporters. They will lift facts and segments of stories and cut and paste them onto their blog. Rarely, if ever, though, do they bother to credit the source.”

This was just a blurb of his interesting article.  Find it HERE to read the rest.  Initially, I was quite offended (as an insulted blogger).  Shortly after taking in the article a bit, I couldn’t help to think how brilliant this clown is.  McCosky ultimately writes how bloggers are just bumming off of regular writers who get paid, which is partly true.  I’ve done it.  And the some of the most credible have done it.  What he doesn’t touch on is successful bloggers.  True successful bloggers don’t grow to be successful by reporting the latest scores and news.  Only your typical news papers and sports stations can fight over those rights.  What makes a blogger successful is its originality.  Something different (see my Hottest Hoops Wife articles for a little taste of originality).  The more and more I thought about McCosky’s article, the more I realized this guy feels threatened.  The growing blogosphere is taking a lot of credibility away from the traditional newspapers.  There’s people out there that have more interesting words to say than the so called “professional writers”, and audiences are noting this.  Some travel to your 20SecondTimeOuts or Need4Sheeds instead of traditional Detroit News.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see if McCosky’s job was on the line.  I’m sure his articles have gone down in popularity, as more originality has sprung up elsewhere.  To me, McCosky’s article just proves how much of a force bloggers are growing to be.

The best part of all of this, is us bloggers are falling for it.  Still don’t get it?  McCosky wrote his article out of desperation.  He needed people to read his article.  Like bloggers, he needed some hits.  What better way to drive your hits up than to criticize the most opionated people?  Seems like a pretty well crafted plan.  As much as I hate the thought behind his article, I salute you clown-face McCosky on a smart, well planned article.